Monday, December 26, 2011

2011 in Retrospect

This has been quite a year for me. My life has changed in numerous ways. I have changed in numerous ways. There is much to speak of in relation to this whirlwind of year so...Let's begin at the beginning, and work our way to the end!

January- The Month of New Beginnings.
Talk about starting this year of with a bang. I must have had some sort of intuition, knowing that I needed to make it worthwhile.This was the first January in 4 years that I did not join the NAU Dance Team at Disneyworld for the UDA National Competition. Instead, I holed up in my apartment, studied for the AEPA, and began what will forever be remembered as the "BEST/worst student-teaching experience" of my life. It was also in this month that I actually took the dreaded AEPA. During one of those sleep deprived nights of studying, I reached out to a friend that had been gone, but definitely not forgotten. The act was reciprocated and so began the rebuilding of a bridge that had been burned straight to the ground. And as it goes with all things good...there is also the bad. My compadre of Ewing's Sarcoma, one of the strongest people I will ever know, was handed his ticket for round 2 of the battle. Andre began the process again from scratch with more faith, and courage, and strength than ever before.

February- The Month of Anticipation.
AEPA test results recieved...PASS and PASS! Whoo hoo!! Moquie is Cancer free for 5 years!

March- The Month of the Home Stretch! 
Student Teaching has consumed my life, so I pick up a part time job...because I am so smart...Ok really, I made the decision to stay in Flagstaff for one more, what I hoped to be, AMAZING summer. I applied for a Supervisor position at what had been my place of work for the past 2 years. And...low and behold...I got it! Yay me! Erika Ruesch. Recreation Supervisor. Forest Highlands Golf Club.

April- The Month of Paperwork and Internet Searches. 
So long student teaching...hello real world. Graduation Applications...Job Applications....Phone Interviews...MORE job applications...Laveen? Where is Laveen? And why do I want to be there SO badly...? Laveen Laveen Laveen!!!

May- The Month of Announcements
Graduation in a tent. GRADUATION IN A TENT!!! Heck yeah! NAU ALUM! Birthday! Meeting with the other builder of the bridge. Loss of a local legend, loss of a dear friend. RIP Joe. Dad has...cancer? 

June- The Month of Denial. 
Job interview in Globe to be close to Dad-shoot me. Job offer in Globe-shoot me. Accept job in Globe-shoot me. Dad has cancer. Throw myself into my my job. Work, work, work. Missing Flagstaff already and not even gone yet. Time spent between bridge builders...much progress being made. Trip to Lake Powell-healing wounds for family.

July- The Feelin' Good Month.  
Work. Work. Work. LOVE MY JOB. Love Flagstaff. Procrastinating packing. Bridge almost complete. Happiness. It's official...Miss Ruesch-4th Grade!!!

August- The Month of Ups and Downs. 
Goodbye Flagstaff, the place I've called home for 4 years. Hello Globe, the home I ran from 4 years ago. Dad starts radiation. Missing Flagstaff. Missing the bridge builder.Moquie buys a car! Welcome to the world Clara Clarkson!!! Falling in love with 27 4th graders. Feeling lonely. Bought a horse, I mean a dog. Named him Max. Bridge completion postponed...indefinitely. Heartbreak. 

September- The Month of the Angels. 
Angel 1-Full time teacher, part time DANCE teacher? Yes please. Angel 2-"So where do you want to work? Laveen? Oh, my son works there..." Angel 3-Enter son-stage right.

October- The Month of Taking Chances
Parent/Teacher Conferences-who wouldn't want to be at work from 6am-8pm? Fall Break..."You know what would be really fun? Disneyland..." Graduate school? Graduate school together? AEPA revisited.

November- The Month of Giving Thanks. 
Thankful for a job. Thankful for family. Thankful for friends. Thankful for second chances. Thankful for the realization that not all bridges are meant to be mended, there is a reason they fell the first time. Thankful for the gift of dance. Thankful for curve balls in life that lead you to places you didn't want to be, but NEED to be in order to get where you are going. Thankful for Max. Thankful for special people who come into life at just the right time. Thankful for health.

December- The Month of Miracles. 
Miracle 1-Moquie enjoys running?! Miracle 2- Moquie stops drinking soda. Miracle 3- Moquie survived first semester as a real life teacher. Miracle 4- Dad is...cancer free! Christmastime. Family. Friends. Happiness. Everything falling into place. Everything feeling just right.

Life goes by so fast. TOO fast. Relfecting back on this year, there is so much that I have left out. But in all, these are the most important events that have shaped me into the person who is saddling up for 2012. This year has been terrible in so many aspects. I mean, absolutely unbearable at times. I left a place a loved to return to a place I despise. My close friend and my father both got served a nice plate of  "Cancer a la cuisine". I lost my best friend for not the 2nd, not the 3rd, but the 4th and final time. Yeah. It sucked. But man, thank goodness for the good things in life. Like, welcoming a new life into the world, into our family. Like, having a job that I absolutely love. Like, meeting new people who have changed my life for the better in countless ways. Like, doctors and medicines that make diseases go away. 

Reading these words...I realize now what it all means. Life, as we know it, is a plan.It might not be the plan WE had intended for ourselves. Heavenly Father has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we can just put our faith in him, even in times of anger, doubt, sorrow...he will pull through with that silver lining that makes it all worthwhile. Wow. 

On that note, See ya later 2011! It's been real, it's been fun. 2012, Here I come!!!

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