1. Fall in love-forever.
2. Dance with my dad at my wedding.
3. Sleep on a blanket under the stars (no tent)
4. Stay up for 24 hours straight!
5. Own a vineyard
6. Cut down my own Christmas tree
7. Visit New York City
8. Volunteer with the American Red Cross
9. Be member of Big Brothers Big Sisters
10. Help People
12. Have children
15. Live on a ranch
16. Go on a cattle drive
17. Milk a cow
19. Visit all the Wonders of the World
21. Get a Masters Degree
22. Get a Doctorate
23. Go to Alaska during the Iditarod
24. Learn how to wakeboard
25. Make a perfect snow angel
26. Be buried next to my parents when I die.
28. Work with the U.S. Peace Corps
29. New Years in Time Square
31. "Frolic" in a meadow full of flowers wearing a sundress
32. Get over my fear of Ferris Wheels (a work in progress...)
33. Ice skate on a frozen pond or lake
34. Learn the basics of football
36. See a tornado in real life
37. See the Northern Lights
39. Find a "buried" treasure
41. Disneyland at Christmas
42. Paint a picture
43. Publish Henry's poems
44. Buy my own home
45. Ride a mechanical bull
47. Skydiving
48. Go on a road trip with no destination
49. Write a book
50. Visit a pyshic
51. Visit all 50 states
52. Have a real tire swing hanging from a tree in my future yard
53. Go skinny dipping
54. Fly in a bi-plane
57. Slow dance without any music playing
58. Go to culinary school
60. Keep a journal for my children
61. Open a bakery
62. Go to Australia
63. Receive my National Board Certification
64. Visit Machu Pichu
65. Learn to make tamales
66. Have the best decorated house on the block at Christmas
67. Build a snowman.
68. Learn the art of Cake Decorating
70. Host my own Christmas Party
71. Learn to Swing Dance
72. Play in a Softball League
73. Learn to Surf