2. You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with anyone else.
3. Life doesn't play fair, but it's not about the cards you were dealt. It's about how you play the hand you were given.
4. Nothing is black and white.
5. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
6. You will never be able to please everyone, so do what makes YOU happy.
7. Everyone deserves a second chance.
8. It's a lot harder to get back into shape than it is to get out of it. Stay Healthy.
9. Crying is a worthless emotion, but we are human and it's what we do.
10. Life is precious. In the blink of an eye, your whole world can collapse around you.
11. Count your blessings.
12. Music soothes the soul.
13. Writer's write. So if you want to be a writer, write. The same can be said for anything you do.
14. Be sPoNtAnEoUs.
15. Say what is on your mind before the moment passes you by.
16. Be kind.
17. Tell the ones you love that you love them.
18. Pay your bills
19. Be the friend you wish others would be to you.
20. Learn from the mistakes of your past and use them to build a better future.
21. Don't try to compare your life to anyone else. You have no idea what they have been through.
22. Never count your eggs before they hatch.
23. It's ok to ask for help now and then.
24. Ignorance is bliss.
25. Maturity and Age have no relation.
26. Everyone makes mistakes.
27. Pay attention to detail.
28. "Hurry up and wait" is a much better strategy than, "hang around and rush!"
29. Give 100% in everything you do.
30. Get up. Dress up. Show up.
31. Believe in miracles.
32. Don't ever let someone else dictate your happiness.
33. Love conquers all.
34. A true friend loves you even when you can't love them back.
35. Words are cheap unless followed by an action.
36. Don't make promises you can't keep.
37. Own a pet and experience companionship on a completely different level.
38. Sleep is overrated.
39. Laughter is one of God's greatest gifts.
40. Fight for what you want. That way, you can always say you tried.
41. Be thankful.
42. Holding grudges and seeking revenge will take you down a road that is hard to find your way back from.
43. Believe in yourself and your ability.
44. Write "Thank You" notes.
45. It's ok to be angry with God. He-more than anyone else-will understand.
46. Have faith in that which cannot be seen.
47. Love strong.
48. Gaze at the stars to become grounded again.
49.Make someone else's day.
50. Admit when you are wrong.