Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Life's Little Lessons

1. Family is the core of it all.
2. You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with anyone else.
3. Life doesn't play fair, but it's not about the cards you were dealt. It's about how you play the hand you were given.
4. Nothing is black and white.
5. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
6. You will never be able to please everyone, so do what makes YOU happy.
7. Everyone deserves a second chance.
8. It's a lot harder to get back into shape than it is to get out of it. Stay Healthy.
9. Crying is a worthless emotion, but we are human and it's what we do.
10. Life is precious. In the blink of an eye, your whole world can collapse around you.
11. Count your blessings.
12. Music soothes the soul.
13. Writer's write. So if you want to be a writer, write. The same can be said for anything you do.
14. Be sPoNtAnEoUs.
15. Say what is on your mind before the moment passes you by.
16. Be kind.
17. Tell the ones you love that you love them.
18. Pay your bills on time.
19. Be the friend you wish others would be to you.
20. Learn from the mistakes of your past and use them to build a better future.
21. Don't try to compare your life to anyone else. You have no idea what they have been through.
22. Never count your eggs before they hatch.
23. It's ok to ask for help now and then.
24. Ignorance is bliss.
25. Maturity and Age have no relation.
26. Everyone makes mistakes.
27. Pay attention to detail.
28. "Hurry up and wait" is a much better strategy than, "hang around and rush!"
29. Give 100% in everything you do.
30. Get up. Dress up. Show up.
31. Believe in miracles.
32. Don't ever let someone else dictate your happiness.
33. Love conquers all.
34. A true friend loves you even when you can't love them back.
35. Words are cheap unless followed by an action.
36. Don't make promises you can't keep.
37. Own a pet and experience companionship on a completely different level.
38. Sleep is overrated.
39. Laughter is one of God's greatest gifts.
40. Fight for what you want. That way, you can always say you tried.
41. Be thankful.
42. Holding grudges and seeking revenge will take you down a road that is hard to find your way back from.
43. Believe in yourself and your ability.
44. Write "Thank You" notes.
45. It's ok to be angry with God. He-more than anyone else-will understand.
46. Have faith in that which cannot be seen.
47. Love strong.
48. Gaze at the stars to become grounded again.
49.Make someone else's day.
50. Admit when you are wrong.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Who Says You Can't Go Home?

When I was ten years old I decided I was going to run away from home, this is where I came. Only ten steps from my back door but still far enough away. Sweet escape and safe haven from the disasters of life, this rooftop refuge served as so much more than home base when we played tag. With days gone by, this rooftop was witness to the bittersweet, the sorrows and the triumphs of childhood expeditions. Sitting on the shingles of this white shed behind my parents place, I remember the first soft summer rays of sun as they fell around me, when I first discovered this spot of mine.

When hopscotch and hide-and-seek no longer held our interest we used what was left of our strength to climb the stucco wall, reach the water tank, and finally lift ourselves to the top. Our eyes would scan the desert horizon, imaging the treasures that lay just over the next ridge and beyond. Eventually, seeking treasures we would never find gave way to gazes rising from the earth to the heaves; but, still dreaming, I'd find the answers to my questions among the astronomers' famous figures in the night sky. The stars tonight tell me of the time they saw me last.

The taste of artificial fruit flavoring in a frozen delight suring summer is definitely a contrast to the warm kiss that tastes of spearmint gum and Carmex. Lips stained red from cherry popsicles somewhat resemble those gingerly painted with Cover Girl lip gloss. this rooftop sanctuary brought butterflies when I experienced waht was thought to be true loves first kiss. 

When I spoke out loud, I knew no one heard me but Him and He was all that mattered. I used to wonder if he heard me, even when no one else did. My being here today is proof to me that the prayers I sent up on those faith-filled nights were heard by someone. On other nights, I wasn't able to speak to anyone but the friend beside me. Then, it was up to me to do the listening. Advice given, and advice taken, with all the words exchanged, created the person that is sitting her today.

One wouldn't say that shingles make for the best place to lay your head, but I am not quite as comfortable anywhere else. When I look up with intentions to reminisce, or dream, there is no place I'd rather be. As distance has grown between my place of refuge and I, so does my will to return. it was my place to grow, to discover, and it was my place to pray. It is my place to think, to dream and to always remember. Today, I remember yesterday here atop my shed, and tomorrow I will remember today.

Maximus vs. The Tail

He is a brave and noble warrior. Only slightly off-put by the viciously terrifying black kitten that roams the back yard. Nothing is too big to jump on to. No puddle to deep to wade. It seems as though nothing can stop Sir Maximus in his quest for the great golden bowl of never-ending puppy chow. That was until he encountered...The Tail. Now, keep in mind, this is no ordinary tail. For this tail, this tail is like a silent serpent that sneaks up on a pup when he is least expecting it. And the worst part of it all? At any moment this silent killer can creep up and nab you right under your nose! What more can one do than try to destroy the beast?! ATTACK! 

The tail always wins...